
Are Johnson & Johnson Morcellator Devices Safe?

Johnson & Johnson has withdrawn its laparoscopic power morcellator due to data showing that it can spread undetected cancer.

Various news reports, including one in the Wall Street Journal, said the company suspended the sale of new models in April after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) determined that doctors should not use the device.

According to the Journal, the agency concluded that “based on an analysis of currently available data, it poses a risk of spreading unsuspected cancerous tissue, notably uterine sarcomas, beyond the uterus.”

Can I File a Lawsuit If a Morcellator Device Injured Me?

The FDA concluded that 1 in 350 women who undergo a hysterectomy or myomectomy for fibroids have an unsuspected type of uterine cancer called uterine sarcoma, and that if these women undergo a procedure using a morcellator device, that cancer may spread.
More than 20,000 minimally invasive or robotic hysterectomies are done annually. If you or a loved one is ever injured by a device like this, contact us so that we may investigate your case.

For more information about this product, visit our morcellator device page. Our attorneys include a practicing physician-attorney, who is well versed in medical technology. Call us today at (888) 841-9623

Zoll & Kranz, LLC – Defective Medical Drug and Device Lawyers
