
Are Specialty Compounded Drugs Safe?

Are Specialty Compounded Drugs Safe?

It seems like there are regularly controversies in the news about the risks associated with contaminated compounded pharmacy drugs.

According to the Associated Press, an inspection of the Unique Pharmaceuticals’ plant in Temple, Texas revealed production problems in several drug lots that were supposed to be sterile.

“Using these products puts patients at an unacceptable risk for serious infection,” said Carol Bennett, an official in the FDA’s drug center, in a statement.

The pharmacy has recalled all non-expired, sterile products distributed across the U.S., including a fluid used to clear mucus in patients with respiratory conditions, according to the AP. It also halted the production of all other sterile drugs, generally administered through injection or intravenous infusion.

What Can I Do If a Specialty Drug Injures Me?

Unsanitary conditions surrounding specialty pharmacies is a scary thought. Remember, only a few years ago, there was a deadly fungal meningitis outbreak due to contaminated steroid spinal injections made by the New England Compounding Center.

The NECC outbreak was linked to 64 deaths and 750 injuries, and the company ended up settling lawsuits for more than $100 million.

We can investigate your case and seek damages if a specialty compound drug has injured you. We use cutting-edge technology and an innovative approach to representation, which can help determine if the product you used was contaminated during the manufacturing process.

Zoll, Kranz & Borgess, LLC – Defective Medical Drug and Device Lawyers
