Have Transvaginal Mesh Implants Been Linked to Incontinence?
Have you suffered pain because of a defective transvaginal mesh implant? Has your sex life been interrupted because an implant has made it difficult to have intercourse?
Transvaginal mesh (TVM) implants have been linked to recurrent pelvic organ prolapse (POP), infection, bleeding, vaginal scarring, and painful sexual intercourse. Because of this, countless lawsuits have been filed against manufacturers, including Boston Scientific Corp, Johnson & Johnson (Ethicon Inc), C.R. Bard and Cook Medical Systems.
The manufacturers have paid millions of dollars due to injury claims. In fact, last fall, Boston Scientific Corp was ordered to pay four women a total of $26.7 million, after it was found liable for selling faulty transvaginal mesh devices.
Mesh manufacturers are now being forced to conduct safety studies by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), due to the high number of adverse events that have been reported.
A Horrific Transvaginal Mesh Story
A recent article published a story about a woman it called Lana (not her real name, for protection) who received a transvaginal mesh implant to eliminate incontinence problems, which began after she gave birth to a child.
After the device was implanted, Lana ended up suffering worse incontinence and terrible pain during sex. “I wake up at least twice a night to pee, even if I don’t have anything to drink after dinner,” Lana told the website. “Going to a restaurant is out of the question, or even going to one of the kid’s events is difficult, so there goes my social life.”
Doctors soon discovered that her bladder was out of place, and are attempting to determine if the transvaginal mesh eroded or migrated inside of her.
Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits
If you have suffered due to a transvaginal mesh product, we can investigate your case and determine if you may be eligible for compensation.
Our law firm offers free consultations, so do not delay if a mesh device has injured you.
Zoll & Kranz, LLC – Defective Medical Drug and Device Lawyers