When you feel sick, you most likely look in your medicine cabinet for a quick solution. If an over-the-counter pill does not help, you probably call your doctor. Living in the 21st century, you trust that your doctor will be able to identify what is ailing you and then promptly treat you to make you feel better. But what happens when your healthcare provider does not treat your condition, and you become sicker?
If a physician failed to perform a procedure that you or your family member needed to get better, you might have many questions about what went wrong. A failure to perform procedure malpractice lawyer in Toledo could help you find the answers and seek justice. Schedule a consultation with one of our diligent medical malpractice attorneys at Zoll & Kranz, LLC.
What Is a Failure to Perform in a Malpractice Claim?
Often, when malpractice occurs in a hospital or doctor’s office, it is because a medical worker makes an overt mistake during a surgery or other medical procedure—such as giving too much medication, nicking an artery during surgery, or operating on the wrong body part.
However, malpractice can also happen when a doctor fails to perform a procedure, order a test, or take necessary action. When a physician fails to diagnose and treat a patient’s medical condition, the patient could suffer irreparable harm. Many serious illnesses and medical conditions respond better when treated early. Any unnecessary delays in beginning medical treatment can cause the illness to worsen by giving it a chance to further develop and spread. For example, if a dermatologist promptly identifies a troublesome spot on a patient’s skin as a possible skin cancer, they can perform a biopsy for confirmation. If the biopsy confirms the patient has skin cancer, the physician could refer the patient to the appropriate specialist who could remove the cancerous lesion. If the procedure is performed early enough, the patient might require no further treatment. However, if the patient’s dermatologist fails to recognize the skin cancer, perform a biopsy, or remove the cancerous growth, the cancer could spread to other parts of their body. In addition to causing pain and suffering, this could force them to undergo more medical procedures and jeopardize their overall health.
Our Toledo attorneys understand how devastating the situation can be when a doctor fails to treat a patient’s medical condition. They work closely with patients and their families to seek justice.
How a Failure to Perform a Medical Treatment Can Lead to Malpractice
Although nobody expects doctors to be perfect, they should be held to the same standard of care as others in their profession. When doctors fail to treat or perform a necessary medical procedure that other doctors in a similar situation would have performed, that could amount to medical negligence.
The following is a list of some types of common failures that could amount to malpractice in Toledo:
- Failure to take a patient’s full medical history
- Failure to order or perform a required medical test
- Failure to refer a sick patient to the appropriate specialist
- Failure to treat a patient’s condition in a reasonable time frame
- Failure to inform a patient about the necessity of treating their illness promptly
Our seasoned lawyers know how to interpret complex medical records to understand where the mistake happened.
Speak With a Toledo Malpractice Lawyer About a Doctor’s Failure to Perform a Procedure
When you are sick, often the best thing you can do is receive prompt treatment. Early diagnosis and care can save you a lot of grief, unnecessary pain, and expense.
When you suspect your physician failed to identify or treat your medical condition correctly, a failure to perform procedure malpractice lawyer in Toledo might be able to assist you. The experienced attorneys at Zoll & Kranz, LLC could protect your rights and help you sue the medical provider who hurt you. Speak with our legal team today.