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See Where Are Firm Has Been Featured in the News

At the law firm of Zoll & Kranz, LLC, our Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) and class action attorneys work hard to gain clients their deserved rights after a serious injury from dangerous drugs, defective medical devices or consumer products. Because of our nationally recognized work in these practice areas, news outlets from across the country frequently mention our firm and its involvement in personal injury cases.

Articles that Mention Our Law Firm, Clients and Cases

You can also listen to this broadcast of NPR radio online.

In addition to the above news sources, WTVG-TV ABC 13, SACBEE, The Washington Post, Wisconsin State Journal as well as Yahoo News have also mentioned the work of our firm in articles that are no longer available to read online.

Talk With Experienced Class Action Lawyers Today

For more information about our involvement in these as well as other drug lawsuits and litigation, call Zoll & Kranz. Our firm offers individuals a complimentary case review by simply filling out an online form located on our site. Talk with us today to learn more about how our firm may be the right fit to represent your claim.