What To Do if You Believe You Are a Victim of Medical Malpractice

When you seek medical attention, you are going in to solve a health issue you’re experiencing. For someone seeking a medical solution, walking away with more problems can be traumatizing and dangerous. Medical malpractice can affect anyone, but not everyone will know what to do if they are made a victim.
Find Medical Attention Somewhere Else
First and most importantly, you must preserve your health. Your safety and well-being come first. Set up calls with offices unaffiliated with the office you have issues with and take care of yourself. If you can, make sure the new physician is in your insurance carrier’s network to avoid losing money unnecessarily. Your health is the priority.
Document Everything You Can
Gather all the documents and records you possibly can and do your best to organize them. Since you may forget details due to stress and fear, write down your thoughts and take notes wherever possible. Write down dates, times, dosages, names, procedures, and anything else you can think of. You should include all communications between you and the medical office that you can gather. Save and print anything you think could be helpful, like:
- Pictures
- Emails
- Statements
- Prescriptions
- Hospital bills
- Diagnostic images or information
Even if you are not ready to pursue legal action, keeping a journal of everything will help you remember details and process any trauma or confusion you may have undergone. Keep track of any injuries or diminishment in mental health that could be due to your negative experience.
Request Your Medical Records
You are entitled to copies of your own medical records, including any X-rays or other diagnostic materials. You should not explain why you are requesting them, as this can alert the office and help the other side of any potential legal case. If you are told you can’t have access to them or are questioned, stand firmly, and continue to request them without giving a reason. Requesting them before any sort of claim you file will keep them from being altered or changed in any way.
What NOT To Do
- Don’t post about it on social media or online forums, even if your account is private.
- Don’t contact the hospital or physician yet—this could work against you as a pretrial notice or in another way. Wait until you speak with an attorney.
- Don’t threaten legal action or warn any parties of your intentions
Contact a Diligent Medical Malpractice Attorney
Your best move is to leave the details of your case to an experienced legal professional before you move forward with anything at all. Call Zoll & Kranz, LLC for a free consultation if you have questions or believe you are a victim of medical malpractice.